Historical Commission and Historical District Commission

Meeting Minutes

October 13, 2010


Attending:         David Martin, Chairman

                        Shirley Schofield

                        Gordon Hughes           

                        Bruce Rosenbaum


Visitors:            Geoff Melhuish; TTL Architects

                        Valerie Gundlauh


Meeting Start time: 7:30 PM



1.)                Property Survey, Phase Two


Met with the representatives from TTL Architects to discuss status of the current properties survey they are developing.


·        Geoff passed out two sample surveys that they have done for review by the board. The sites were 11 Lake Avenue and 62 Glendale Road.

·        Currently approx. 100 sites have been photographed and recorded.

·        This is approximately 50 % of the sites scheduled to be surveyed in Phase Two.

·        Draft forms should be available sometime in December

·        D. Martin inquired about invoicing. Is there going to be one coming along soon. TTL said that there will most likely be one this fall and another sometime in Dec/Jan


·        It was brought to the attention of TTL that the barn located at 9 Highland Street may be taken down. Request was made to take more photographs of this structure.


·        TTL was asked to look into a home on Lake Ave. that was lived in by Leonard Bernstein.


·        D. Martin asked that when TTL is planning to visit the Parrish Farm that they contact him first. We would like to notify the Parrish’ prior to arrival.


2.)                22 North Main Street


·        Val Gundlah presented to the board a color chart for their front door. They are looking to make a change from White to a color that would have been more in keeping with the character of the home. She stated that they have researched this and found that a darker color would have been more` common than the white. The color that has been chosen is a B.M “Black Forest Green”

·        They are also to change the entry hardware to a brass finish. The hardware is made by Ball & Ball Hardware Reproductions.


·        A motion was made by B. Rosenbaum and seconded by S. Schofield that permission be granted to allow the color change and hardware change be made at 22 North Main Street. A unanimous vote was given


3.)                9 Highland Street


·        Dr. Ugent came to give an update of the possible demolition of a barn located on his property. He has applied for and has a demolition permit from the town.

·        Currently he has an architect working to develop a plan to create a new garage addition which will be attached to his home.


·        A motion was made by B. Rosenbaum and seconded by S. Schofield to allow the owner to proceed with the demolition of this structure. A unanimous vote was given.


·        A request was made that the owner keep the commission informed as plans progress. Also suggested was the possibility to reuse and or salvage materials to use in the new addition.


4.)                182 East Street


·        David Agnew of Lyndon Road was present to ask about the home located at this address. It is currently listed for sale.

·        This property was inventoried during our Phase One Survey done by TTL.

·        As of now no application for demolition has been requested for this site.


5.)                New Business


·        D. Martin received an invitation from Deb Pitman to visit Cobbs Tavern to see the work that has been done to the interior of her home. Currently the home is on the market.

·        D. Martin to speak with Deb to see if we could view the home prior to our next meet on November 10, 2010 at 6:00 PM


MOTION:       Shirley Schofield motioned to adjourn meeting

SECOND:       Bruce Rosenbaum

VOTE:             Unanimous                                                       End of Meeting: 9:08 PM